Sunday, September 03, 2006

Sunshine and hair sniffing

I finally saw Little Miss Sunshine yesterday. LOVED IT.

Great cast. Great story. Great acting. Hilarious ending.

My mother declared that she finally liked Steve Carell in something. And I thought Ebert was a tough critic.

Abigail Breslin is really wonderful as the little girl with big pageant dreams. I had forgotten that she was Mel Gibson's daughter in Signs. She was great in that, too. She is very charming and doesn't bug the way some child actors do.

Let's hope that she doesn't follow in the footsteps of Lindsay "Firecrotch" Lohan. Talk about a little girl lost.

Who would have thought that doing a remake of The Parent Trap would lead to La Lohan's partying and weight fluctuation? Not me. Maybe Dennis Quaid lead her down a dark path on set.

So, as I'm writing this, there is a really awful show on ABC that is (I think) supposed to make people want to watch Grey's Anatomy. Four Entertainment Weekly writers offer their take on the show's characters and storylines. It is beyond lame. I don't care what these people think. And there isn't enough Dempsey.

However, it does show me that Patrick is on the cover of their Fall Preview issue. Thank you. I will be buying it for that cover photo alone. Yowza.

As the season premiere draws near, I am finally starting to see commercials. There is a new preview up on a fan site, and it shows Derek and Meredith in an elevator (whores!). He is back to his hair sniffing ways.

After that exam room sex in the finale, she must have run to the nearest CVS and bought a family-size bottle of lavender conditioner. Smart girl.

Now, if we can just get Chris O'Donnell the hell out of Seattle, I'd be truly happy. Man, his character is boring. Yes, I'm biased, but what a snoozefest. I don't understand how he was cast for this role. He has no chemistry with Ellen Pompeo. Maybe he had chemistry with Doc the dog. Well, Doc is gone. See ya, O'Donnell.

And who the hell is named Finn? Please.

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