Sunday, May 31, 2009

For the love of Shiloh

Watching The Hills fakery.

The Diva has her hands full with this recap.

And WHAT THE HELL is up with Megan Fox's hair? Slicked back with gel is not a good look for this tranny.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Candy Spelling is not a Donna Martin fan

And can you blame her? I mean, she and Andrea were the most annoying characters on 90210. Remember that mermaid costume she wore to a Halloween party one year? She couldn't walk around in it, so she basically just stayed in a corner acting the fool for most of the party? Ugh. Why do I remember this crap.

Oh, wait. Candy is not a Tori Spelling fan.

In a recent radio interview with 94.7 WMAS in Springfield, MA, Candy said that the estrangement between Aaron and Tori is what lead to Aaron's death.


Candy believes that Tori ditched the entire family (Aaron, Candy, and brother, Randy) when she realized her father could no longer do anything for her due to his illness.


What a mess. And I know from family messes. This one has a lot of bitterness. I mean, you can practically taste it. And it makes you feel sick. Almost as sick as seeing pics of Tori because she has gotten so thin. She's twiggy with fake boobs and it's upsetting because you know she is worried that her gross husband will leave her for someone else...just like he left his first wife for Tori.

Hollywood is full of idiots. Candy and Tori are two of them.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Nicole Kidman does herself a favor

She went back to being a redhead.

So much better. Her coloring screams for a dark hair color. Finally, she listened.

Did you see the movie Dead Calm? Do yourself a favor. Great thriller. Nicole was stunning. See? I actually said something nice about her. She and Sam Neill played a couple trying to forget a horrible accident by taking some time on their boat. They encounter a completely creepy and hot Billy Zane. Before he went all chauvinistic a-hole in Titanic, Billy Zane was hot. And crazy.

Anyway, Nicole was a redhead and the lighting on the film was really great and she looked fresh and vibrant. And the movie poster is freaky as hell and you should really check it out.

I think being nice warrants a cupcake. Mmmmm....

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Giving Goonies a bad name



Josh Brolin is an ass.

Used to love him. I mean, he was in The Goonies. Please. You loved it.

In Touch Weekly is reporting that Josh is openly cheating with some local skank in New Orleans while filming his new movie.


Josh is married to Diane Lane. Diane Lane, people. She was in Streets of Fire. And The Outsiders. And a gazillion movies with Richard Gere. She is gorgeous, talented, and too good for Josh's punk ass.

Yes, I said punk ass.

Remember the domestic violence charges against Josh? Uh-huh. That was his downfall. This is just the icing on a moldy cake.

Run, Diane. You don't need this.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

The Hills

After watching the nightmare that was the extended season premiere of Jon and Kate Plus 8, I (foolishly) decided to switch to the last 10 minutes of The Hills. Good gracious. The Diva makes sense of what we all witnessed below.

Another Monday night means another dose of Hills madness...

Isn't it every girl's dream to have a person you're no longer friends with as you exchange your vows? Heidi, I'm over getting Lauren to show up at your wedding and you should be too.

I can't dislike Spencer for a City Slickers reference. I can dislike him for those stupid sunglasses, though.

At least Heidi has enough sense to go to a respectable wedding dress designer. I'm not thrilled with her particular purchase, but we don't really have the same fashion tastes, now do we?

I'm feeling premature awkwardness for the Stephanie-Kelly Cutrone face-off that is going to ensue at this party. One half of the equation is clueless, and the other is just heinous. Recipe for disaster.

Did I just completely miss the great "friendship" that blossomed between Audrina and Brody over the past few years? Get over it Audrina. You were barely good acquaintances.

Paging Kelly Cutrone: you are now paying Lauren to have a gabfest with Heidi in your office. Get her!

Which Hills producer is responsible for penning that little speech for Spencer? It wasn't exactly Shakespeare, but it was about 100 times more intelligent than anything that's come out of his mouth before.

Next week's finale looks full of tears and shocked facial expressions, with a dash of matrimonial craziness thrown in for extra viewing pleasure. Extra double bonus: Kristin's return. Oh, the anticipation.

Friday, May 22, 2009

Round II for Robin and Sean is over

Dysfunction, anyone? Sean and Robin Wright Penn are the new poster children (after my parents).

Sean Penn filed legal separation papers last month, but yesterday he withdrew the petition. Oy. This makes the 2nd time in about 18 months that each has filed papers and then had them withdrawn.

Sean's rep for sleazing it up on the ladies is quite well-known. And can I just say, "HUH?" With a side of "HIM? REALLY?!?!?" Robin deserves better. Anyone and everyone deserves better. However, he must have talked his way back into her good graces and now they are reconciling.

Robin, just say no!

In other news, this weekend is the unofficial start to Summer. Not my favorite season (being a pasty thing), but I do love my baseball. And, thanks to good luck that looks suspiciously like a syringe, my Yanks are on a 9-game winning streak. Tomorrow I will see my first game at the new stadium and I'm hoping it all goes well. My sanity is on the line, as my father will be joining me. Watch out, Stadium Security! Brawling could ensue.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Is it the way she parted her hair?

I've been looking at photos of the Brange at the Cannes Film Festival, and something is off. Ange looks different to me.

Has her forehead always been that big? Maybe I just never noticed.

She's still too thin, but at least she wore some color. No black. She left that to Brad and his tux.

Angie accompanied Brad to the premiere of Inglourious Basterds. Not getting the best reviews, but it's a Tarantino film and Brad generally does good box office.

Meanwhile, somewhere in NY, Jennifer Aniston sighs.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Now I gotta cut loose

Ugh. Another remake.

The brain trust in Hollywood has decided that 80s cheese flick, Footloose, needs an update.

You remember Footloose, right?

OH MY GOSH, it is so bad it's good. Like, you cringe when seeing it on cable, but you can't take your eyes off it. The dialogue? Weak. The cast? A mix of goofy and earnest. The dancing? Ridiculous. But the soundtrack? I bought the soundtrack after seeing this movie. Because it worked. It made the movie. It kept you from thinking too hard about how thin Lori Singer was or how much actual dancing Kevin Bacon did himself. It also kept you in your seat and not running like you were on fire to find the theater manager, demanding your money back, because you just witnessed a TRACTOR RACE and OMG, what? Really? But you sat there and watched and it didn't cause you to turn to therapy because Bonnie Tyler's "Holding Out For a Hero" was perfect in that moment.

And you know you tapped your feet to "Let's Hear It For the Boy," so don't even try to say you didn't. No one will believe you.

Now they want to try to catch lightening in a bottle again with a remake starring Chace Crawford from Gossip Girl. XOXO, y'all! Perennial Flat Ironed Hair King Zac Efron actually dropped out of the film because he didn't want to be known as the dude that sings and dances his way through movies. Uh huh.

Chace Crawford is not better, or even equal to, Kevin Bacon. Efron wouldn't have cut it, either. Kevin Bacon, as Ren, will always win out.

Better get started on that soundtrack.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

The Hills

In between baking brownies (not THOSE kind...or are they?) and interviewing, our Philly Diva found time to do her most important job: make sense of the senselessness of The Hills. Thank you, Diva!

Only a few more episodes before Lauren is outta here and Kristin moves into the Hills. I'll save the Lauren vs. Kristin debate for another time, though. On with the show.

"You never met a dad like my dad." Ha, how many times have those words come out of my mouth?

Love the guy nonchalantly walking around dressed as a horse. That's always a necessity in a music video after all.

Wait, so that guy in the band is supposed to be cute? About that...

Now that we've met Heidi's dad, it just continues to boggles the mind how this bleach blond Barbie came from this down home family.

Stephanie's having a rough go of it. First she gets shot down by the guy who has a girlfriend but won't actually say the word girlfriend because he wants to pretend he doesn't have a girlfriend when he's on the road, then she gets fired by Lauren. I have to give it to Lauren though. That was a pretty mild firing and she was as nice as she could be about it.

Being stuck on a ferris wheel with Spencer would make me squirm too Heidi.

Everyone knows a huge rock on your bony finger erases all of the crap someone's done to you in the past. Ugh. These two are just too dumb to get married to one another!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Hills

Someone needs to look at a calendar.

I will cut the Diva a little slack because she had to deal with our parents for two days in a row. The torture!

I'm a day late with the recap...whoops!

Lo, why mess up the natural order of things by getting a job? Weren't you perfecting the art of doing nothing but looking pretty and laying out by the pool?

Hilarious is the only word to describe Stephanie and Lauren's work/boy conversation. Adding to the hilarity: Lauren's knit hat (I hate this look) and Steph's ultra-spacey attitude.

Was that a skirt or a dress or a long shirt Stephanie was rocking at work? Whatever it was, I'm saying it's work inappropriate.

I'm always surprised when Audrina is given responsibility at work and she actually delivers. I always expect her to drop the ball.

Is Davis Factor going to be the new Brent Bolthouse?

Awkward, idiotic, pointless. This is what comes to mind as I watch Heidi confront this bartender. Again. Will this ever come to an end? Also, what do these people at the bar think of this face-off? They can't enjoy their cocktails in this kind of hostile atmosphere.

Calling the LAPD: possible domestic disturbance brewing on the sidewalk between Audrina and JB. If they pulled up and saw JB in his cut-off pants, would they take him in for a crime against fashion?

Steph should take off that headband before it squeezes the five remaining braincells out of her head.

Hold on I'm gonna stop blogging now because I have to go check out Spencer's Twitter page to see what he's up to. Ew.

If I were Lauren, I would've fired Stephanie as soon as I sat my skinny jeans back down at my desk. Put the girl out of her misery already.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Oprah never fails to anger

Me, that is.

The Queen of Daytime is also the Queen of Being Out of Touch with the Rest of the World.

You know, those of us that don't have millions and a Gayle.

Opes gave the commencement address at Duke University this past weekend and told the crowd of grads that it's great to have a private jet. For reals.

"Anyone that tells you that having your own private jet isn't great is lying to you."

What a down-to-earth woman. She really knows how to keep grounded and sympathize that not everyone in the world has it as easy as she does.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: Oprah sucks.

Do you think Gayle has to clean the jet on weekends? Safe bet.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Dina Lohan gives us peace of mind

Just got back from the Cafe Disco and I'm exhausted. So much dancing! And didn't Jim look cute? Back off, Pam!

Okay. So, anyway....Dina Lohan recently explained to reporter David Caplan that Ali Lohan is being home-schooled. Just like big sister Lindsay was at her age. Great!

We can all breathe a sigh of relief.

Although....with Ali living with Linds in LA, and Dina in Long Island, who is home-schooling Ali? Is she taking 'Coke Snorting 101' with Linds? Extra credit if you can find her a dealer around the corner!

I caught the last hour of Mean Girls last weekend on tv. Oh, Linds. She looked healthy and could act. Like, really act. She was funny, she was determined, she actor. Not some strung-out mess that throws eggs at the paparazzi.


Look it up online. The girl is whacked.

And Ali looks like she's at least twice her age.

What the hell is up with the Lohan's? Sad all the way around.

On a brighter note, I'd like to warn all of my Philly readers that if you hear loud voices this weekend, it's my father and sister having a conversation. "Inside voices" mean nothing.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Jack Bauer loves the headbutt

Kiefer Sutherland, AKA bad ass Jack Bauer to us 24 fans, did not care for Proenza Schouler co-founder Jack McCollough's treatment of Brooke Shields, and headbutt the dude on Monday night.

Huh? With a what now?

Let's backtrack.

The Met Costume Institute Gala was held Monday night. There was an afterparty. Kiefer and Brooke were chatting. Reports claim that Jack (a friend of Brooke's) came over and interrupted their conversation by 'jostling' her. Is that slang for 'pinched her ass?'

Apparently, Kiefer demanded an apology from Jack, but Jack was all, "Uh, dude. You're drunk and disorderly and I want to talk to Brooke about her days on Suddenly Susan, so beat it. Oh, and also, this season of 24 started off strong but has become a suckfest of boring, so there!"

Kiefer took that as 'Go Time!' and gave the guy a headbutt and put him into a wrestling move of some type. Was it a Swanton Bomb? Because those are cool.

Brooke's publicist was having none of it either. The official word was that Jack did nothing wrong and that "it's not clear what caused Kiefer to do what he did."

Sigh. Poor Kiefer.

I'm thinking it was clear and that another Jack was involved. The Mr. Daniels variety.

Police were supposed to be interviewing Kiefer and Brooke today.

Time for Chloe to come up with an escape route, Jack.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

The Hills

The Diva is back, this time coming to us from her new digs in Philly. Can't you just smell the cheesesteaks and hear the Fresh Prince theme song?

Some technical difficulties got in the way of me seeing the first 3 minutes of tonight's episode. I'm sure I missed truly riveting television, so someone will have to fill me in.

Heidi's weave needs some help. It looks like Barbie's hair after a 3 year old runs rampant with a toy brush.

"There's always gonna be another Stacy." Stunningly wise words from the bartender who just won't let her time in the Hills limelight fade.

Are Jayde and Audrina gonna have a fake boob-off? Because I think that's the only fair way to settle this ongoing drama over Brody.

I didn't know someone could chug Jager straight from the bottle like that and still be living. Jayde is insane.

A couple sessions with Speidi is probably driving this doctor to drink.

There goes Jayde with the Jager again. I always expected Playmates to be classier than that.

Audrina is certainly making a fashion statement with that hat. What the statement is, I'm not sure.

Okay, so I am a little light on the recapping tonight. Please don't fire me from Celebrity Skewer like Stephanie is gonna get fired from People's Revolution next week.
I make no promises!

Friday, May 01, 2009

Round Two

Sean and Robin Wright-Penn are separating. Again.

Over a year ago they did the same thing, only to reconcile a short while later.

Will this one stick? Maybe. The rumors of Sean's infidelities still swirl like a sandstorm, and I still get uncomfortable thinking of how he brushed her off to receive his Oscar this year. It was so cringe-worthy. There she was with tears in her eyes, clearly thrilled for him, and he was like, "Mickey Rourke is my brother!" Ugh. Really, Sean?

Let's be honest, now. Robin deserves better.

On a happier note, Resident Diva and The Hills Recapper, Jessica, is on her way to her new home in Philly today. Best of luck to her on a new chapter in her life.

Philly, you will never be the same. Trust me.