Monday, October 01, 2007

Reason #299,890,905 to love David Letterman

He grilled Paris Hilton on her time in the slammer last week. Oh, Dave. As if I didn't already adore you.

In the beginning, you could see that Paris was going along with it, probably figuring that if she just answers the questions quickly that he'll move on. BUT WAIT! He didn't move on. He had questions after question ready for her scrawny ass, and you know he loved every minute of it. Let's face it: Dave has always been grouchy and liked to conduct interviews his way. You know immediately when he doesn't like someone and doesn't want to put up with their bullshit.

So, Paris starts to realize after a few minutes that he isn't going to let up, and she starts to get jittery. Then she uses the tactic of stating that she wants to move on. Then she puts her hand up. Then she finally says that Dave was making her sad that she agreed to come on.

And Dave, being Dave, offered to buy her a parakeet for her troubles.

Have I mentioned that I love David Letterman?

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