Thursday, October 18, 2007

Ryan and Rachel are over

It's official. Gosling and McAdams are done. Kaput. Finished. Well, you get it.

Ryan sets the record straight in the new issue of GQ, telling the magazine "God Bless The Notebook. It introduced me to one of the great loves of my life." Awww. Wait. Does that mean he's had other great loves? Or is he being optimistic that he will find another great love? Maybe he just means he also loves his dog. It's such a mystery!

Ryan goes on to explain that they broke up a few months ago, telling the mag "The only thing I remember is we both went down swingin’ and we called it a draw." Hmmm....sounds violent. And cagey. Just admit you grew too attached to the blow up doll you kept after filming your movie Lars and the Real Girl. I won't think any less of you, Ryan. Or will I?

Why do I care about this? It's not like I set them up or went to high school with either of them or, you know, KNOW THEM. I should be concerned about my own love life, which is non-existent. Could it be because I find celebrities more interesting than normal men I'm likely to meet on a daily basis? Maybe. Yes. Whatever!

Ryan, call me.

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