Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Truth and time will tell

Justin Bobby is right, y'all! I think. I don't know.

What I do know is that The Hills correspondent, Jessica, did write a recap for this past Monday's extravaganza. For whatever reason, it didn't get to me. Is technology on it's way out, as my father believes? Probably just a glitch in a budget system here at work.

Well, I retract (or redact, as Michael Scott would say) my heated words at recapper Jessica. Although, she does act stank a lot of the time. And likes to use ALL CAPS to illustrate that point.

Without further ado, here is a heaping helping of The Hills:

After missing last week's ep, it's good to be back. Let's get going...

How cute is Lauren's dress? Alot cuter than Whitney's unwashed hair. Whit doesn't look bad very often, so when she does it's very noticeable.

Oh Audrina, stop complaining that you don't have any clothes to wear out. We all know you barely wear any actual clothes when you get dressed anyway.

Meanwhile, as Heidi's busy picking out an outfit, she pulls out one atrocious article of clothing after another. Does she moonlight as a stripper? Is asking that insulting to strippers?

Don't actual celebrities go to Goa? I wonder how that works with having the MTV cams there to capture all the uncomfortable conversation going on between the Hills girls.

The only person that can up the uncomfortable factor is Zorro. Oh sorry, that's actually Justin Bobby. Nice hat there buddy.

Lo has a job?!? I can only imagine what she clocks in to do each day.

Justin Bobby keeps showing off his "scary eyes" at dinner with Audrina. You know what I'm talking about? Those looks are frightening. He looks possessed.

As Audrina talks about Heidi, it isn't very hard to imagine Lauren chucking that half of a grapefruit at her head.

I really don't think I can watch any more Speidi convo's. Someone make them stop the madness.

I smell a roommate throwdown brewing! Lo won't remember what day of the week is garbage pick-up. Audrina's dirty boys won't clean up after themselves. And Lauren will be too busy designing her fashion line to notice what's going on.

Next week we get some quality time with Stephen. (That's Ste-phen to all you Team Kristin members). I'm excited for a little Laguna throwback. See you then!

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