Thursday, April 24, 2008

Julia Roberts stinks

And not just because of that annoying laugh, or her friendship with Oprah, or her inability to give an interesting interview.

She stinks because she doesn't wear deoderant. For reals, yo. She claims "it's never been my thing." What the? With the what what?

Jules, everyone needs deoderant. I don't care if you think your sh** doesn't stink, your underarms do. I mean, really. And she has been known not to shave those underarms, so I can only imagine that she is ripe while filming a movie in the summer. I went to Emerson College and I know from ripe. Being liberal doesn't mean you don't have to bathe, people! Mixing soap and water while in the shower doesn't mean you support The Man! And dousing yourself with Patchouli oil doesn't cut it, either. You still stink. Now just of Patchouli oil.

Where was I?

Annoyed by Julia Roberts, right? Right. Just another Thursday in my life.

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