Friday, April 11, 2008

Kathy, step away from the scrub

Kathy Griffin was seen shopping with Britney's ex, Adnan Ghalib, in Victoria's Secret. Ew. He looks like the kind of guy who would hang around the dressing rooms trying to sneak a peek.

I'm assuming this was either for her My Life on the D-List series, or for that lame-ass Ashton Kutcher show, Pop Fiction. I would hope Kathy would have the good sense not to hang with trash unless it was for a publicity stunt. Work that camera, girl!

I love Kathy. She really can do no wrong. Sure, she is a Celine Dion fan, but I look the other way and blast U2 so I don't have to think about it too hard. I mean, she is a gay icon and Celine is a gay icon so it does make sense. Also, Kathy knows how wacked out of her mind Celine is. There really is no hiding it.

I hope Kathy took a Silkwood scrub down when she returned home. That guy really looks like a walking STD. The Male Paris, if you will.

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