Heather Mills and Sir Paul McCartney are having one nasty divorce! Juicy.
Heather claims Sir Paul is a mean drunk and loves his marijuana. Sounds like he should have gone to Emerson College.
Now, believe me, if her charges of verbal and physical abuse are true, then Sir Paul needs to get help. That should never be tolerated.
But I think she is going to have an uphill battle because he is such an icon. It doesn't make it right, but look at how many people still refuse to believe OJ had it in him? People think they know someone because they are in the public eye, and there is NO WAY they could ever be mean or abusive...or a murderer.
(Unless, of course, its caught on TMZ.com. Then they'll believe it!)
Yes, I think I know the celebrities I like, too. But, I DO. So, that's the difference.
Of course, there is a child involved, so I hope this gets settled sooner than later(and peacefully). Little Beatrice doesn't deserve this kind of nastiness in her young life.
She'll be traumatized enough when she discovers mommy has a fake leg.
She does look evil now.
And, Jessica, please! I'm almost as hilarious as Mary.
Oh good Lord. Someone is having their comments deleted. Pronto!
Granted, I'm only just now catching up on my side-o-sarcasm, but a.) The comment about EC was too much and 2.) The "mysterious" Mr. Ali is a sicko...
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