Monday, October 16, 2006

Don't they have bouncers at these things?

This past Friday(yes, Friday the 13th)George Clooney received the 2006 American Cinematheque Award. No, I don't care what it is, either.

All I know is that he looked great in his tux. I'd post a picture, but the only ones I could find have Julia attached to his hip. Gag. She is so annoying.

Note to Julia: If George liked you as much as you like him, he would have offered you a role in Ocean's 13. Snap!

Equally annoying is the fact that Lindsay was invited to the event. HUH? With a side of WHAT???? Life sucks.

At least(to me)she stuck out like a sore thumb when I was perusing red carpet pictures. You have Bonnie Hunt, Salma Hayek, Cindy Crawford, Julianna Margulies....and Lindsay. Yikes.

And, I know I complained earlier in the summer about Julianna(and her voice)in Snakes on a Plane, but I've secretly hoped that she and George would get married someday because they look stunning together.

And, really, that's all that matters. When will celebrities realize they need to make me happy?

At least stop inviting Lindsay to red carpet events. OH, and stop offering her movie roles and taking her picture and giving a crap when she walks down the street.

Hollywood, I'm watching you.

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