Friday, November 17, 2006

Upgrades suck

They really do.

So, Blogger has upgraded its system recently, and my low budget work computer won't let me log on anymore. What does this mean? My posts will now be old news. EW! How do they expect me to work like that?

So, here is a little wrap-up of the last few days:

Mario Lopez and his perma-bitch-face partner, Karina Smirnoff, can SUCK IT! They lost to Emmitt Smith and Cheryl Burke on Wednesday night's exciting Dancing with the Stars finale. It was incredible. Kudos to the reigning dance champs for some truly memorable weeks of television. And I still can't believe I watch this show.

Oh, and can someone please see fit to replace Samantha Harris next season? She was barely tolerable as an E! correspondent. There is no room in network television for her and her screaming. Samantha, hon, its called a microphone. You can speak into it with normal voice volume. HATE!

Last night's The Office broke my heart and made me laugh my ass off. I love and hate so much the things that show chooses to be. Thank God Jim is back in Scranton.

And I would like to give a pre-emptive congrats to Tom and Katie, who will be marrying this weekend in Italy. GAG. So lame.

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