Tuesday, July 22, 2008

This doesn't sound good

Christian Bale was arrested in London on Tuesday after assault allegations were made by his mother and sister.

Easy, Bruce Wayne.

The incident occurred on Sunday at the Dorchester hotel, where Christian was staying for the UK premiere of The Dark Knight. He allegedly "lashed out" at his mother and sister in his hotel room.

Hmmm....I lash out at my tv when A-Rod strikes out with the bases loaded, or when Andy steals Jim's thunder and I'm left with not seeing a Jim/Pam engagement for an entire summer, but this sounds more threatening.

Oh, Christian. What the hell? You have everything going for you. The movie is a phenomenon, you are well-liked and respected in Hollywood....this is not acceptable behavior. EVER.

I hope he doesn't try to blame it on jet lag or insomnia. And I hope his daughter wasn't present at the time.

Christian was released after being questioned and has to return to a London police station in September.

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