Thursday, July 10, 2008

My invite was lost in the mail, I'm sure

Uh, Bono. We need to talk. STAT. I've spent a lot of money on cds, posters, and concert tickets over the years. I've hauled ass to see you in arenas and stadiums, sometimes having to stand on folding chairs and mentally curse the tall a**holes in front of me.

I've helped to pay for the mansion you invited Brad to. And now I want a tour!

So, Humanitarian, Activist, and all-around Ego maniacal Mad Man, Bono, invited Brad, Pax, and Robert De Niro and his brood to his mansion in Eze. I would have carpooled! Or walked. I can walk. Just make sure you have a cocktail and some chips and dip waiting for me when I get there. Some guacamole, too.

After a few days of visiting Angie in the hospital, you know Brad wanted some fresh air. I hear pregnancy hormones are a nightmare, and Angie looks like she would pull a knife on someone if the mood were to strike.

She's got crazy eyes.

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