Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Freddie Prinze, Jr. gets a job

This is too random and ridiculous. Hence, why I love it.

Freddie Prinze, Jr. has a new job. Not as Brian Austin Greene's assistant, but as a new member of the WWE's 'creative team.'

Say what? Oh, goodness.

The sometime actor, married to the sweet and personable Sarah Michelle Gellar, is apparently a huge wrestling fan. He's attended several events in the past few months, including Wrestlemania. Who knew?

Is he an HBK fan? DUH! Everyone is.

The big question isn't whether or not he has a Triple H shirt in his closet, but whether or not Sarah is happy about this. On the one hand, at least he's working. On the other, HE'S WORKING FOR THE WWE.

If we start seeing photos of him bulked up, we'll all know what the initiation into the franchise is.

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