Thursday, July 23, 2009

Joey Potter kicks up her heels


I don't normally watch So You Think You Can Dance because I only have room for one dance competition in my life and that is Dancing with the Stars. I need some type of celeb to get me to watch, even if they are C or below. Plus, who doesn't love watching Bruno and Len out queen each other? Girls, simmer!

Well, tonight Ms. Katie Holmes is going to borrow a pair of Tom's wedges and strut her stuff on SYTYCD on behalf of the Dizzy Feet Foundation. It's a charity she co-founded to support art studies scholarships for kids. Nice job, Katie. Or Kate. Or Robot. Whichever she answers to these days.

This performance was pre-taped, as Katie is now in Australia shooting a movie. (No, it's not her own version of Benji Button, where instead of getting younger, Katie ages by decades in just a few years. Oh, girl. Doesn't Tom have some concealer you can borrow? Those bags aren't going to cover themselves. At least mine don't.)

Was Tom in the audience when this was taped? Was Katie audited before or after by fellow Scientologists? Are any male dancers involved, and did Tommy Boy hand pick them himself? Questions that need answers!

SYTYCD is on at some point tonight on FOX. I'm guessing an 8:00 start with it being the show's 100th episode.

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