Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Johnny can recognize a mess when he sees one

So, Johnny Depp surprised the crowd at the incredibly lame MTV Movie Awards on Sunday night by showing up. At least I think people were surprised because there was a lot of hooting and hollering when he got on stage. Diablo Cody was in the audience and clutched at her heart. Honest to blog!

Remember when this show was cool? Was I in high school? Probably. I used to think perming my hair was a good idea, so what do I know?

Anyway, Johnny won two awards....uh....oh, Best Comedic Performance for one of the Pirate movies...and one for....hmmmm....oh, okay, Best Villian for Sweeney Todd, which a friend just bought Friday night (a drunk friend that got wasted and drove through the streets of Los Angeles like he was Dr. Jack Shepherd with a death wish). Mess!

But, he was not the mess Johnny saw at the Movie Awards. That coveted title went to Lindsay "I'll try being a lesbian for fun" Lohan. Johnny reportedly offered Lindsay a stay at his private island in the Caribbean. Was Johnny high when making this offer? Maybe he's just looking for some good weed and figures Linds will be packing wherever she goes. Johnny, I see through your outreach program!

Well, I hope Lindsay takes him up on the offer and ends up moving there with Samantha Ronson so I don't have to read about them anymore. Linds can dance in a cage on the beach while Samantha DJs. Or they can hold movie nights at the beach every Wednesday and alternate between Mean Girls and The Parent Trap. Oh, Linds. You had so much potential.

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