Thursday, March 27, 2008

Richie wouldn't have lasted a day on Melrose Place

Richie Sambora was arrested on a DUI charge Tuesday night in Laguna Beach. His girlfriend and 10-year-old daughter were in the car at the time of the arrest. Uh oh. Heather must be pissed!

Seriously, if this were Melrose Place, she would have pushed him into the pool and held his head under until he sank to the bottom. Amanda Woodward doesn't take crap from anyone! She's nobody's fool.

How quickly do you think she was on the phone with her lawyers? Quicker than you can say "Denise Richards is a skank!" Poor Heather. This comes only weeks after a 911 call was made on her behalf for fear that she was suicidal. What is going on, Lock? Is Jack Wagner getting on your nerves? He did supposedly drive his first wife to have a nervous breakdown (Frisco and Felicia 4 eva!). Are you pissed that you can't find a decent role on television? I feel like you would do well on a show like Dirty Sexy Money. You are a proven show-saver! Recognize, Hollywood.

Or, could you still be suffering post-traumatic stress from dating David Spade? Understandable.

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