Monday, March 31, 2008

Paris falls down! News at 11!

Not the city, the whore.

One of my heels caught in the rug at work today. Where is my close up with a camera?

Paris Hilton is terrorizing Prague with her boyfriend, Good Charlotte lead singer Benji Madden. Let's hope she isn't singing along at their concerts. Invest in ear plugs, people of Prague! Anyway, P took a tumble when she and Benji(good dog!) left an Italian restaurant yesterday. And there are pictures to prove it!

Poor Paris scraped her chin on the ground and refused to let the paparazzi snap a picture of that. No money shots for you, bitches! Benji looked angry(foaming at the mouth, perhaps?) and tried to blame the paps, but it was only Paris to blame for her mis-step. Those stick legs can only stay upright for so long *insert crass joke here*. And she was wearing sneakers, so she can't blame it on her usual hooker footwear. (Sorry, hookers. That was mean of me.)

Tomorrow: Paris opens her eyes and discovers she is scarred for life!


Anonymous said...

I don't like that my comments must be approved by the blog author.

Don't you feel a little bad for Paris? How many times do we stumble and then look around us to make sure no one saw?

I WILL be signing you up to be a potnetial best friend for her new series.

JP said...

Best of luck to you, "anonymous." I'm sure you and Paris can tumble around LA together with TMZ right there to capture every glorious moment.

JP said...

HA! I first read your comment as you signing yourself up to be her new BFF. Don't even! You and Paris 4 eva!