Sunday, March 30, 2008

"I still have a chance!"

That's what (I'm guessing) Jennifer Aniston said today when People and US Weekly confirmed that Brad and Angie did not marry in New Orleans yesterday. Well, I know that's what I said!

Star Magazine first reported the nuptials yesterday. Uh...who will be fired for this? I want names, numbers, and financial compensation for the mental anguish I suffered when reading online that my William Bradley made Angie his wife. A few million, a lifetime supply of Ben & Jerry's, box seats for life at the new Yankee Stadium, and a walk on role on my favorite tv shows whenever I want will also suffice. Get on that, lowly Star reporter!

I wonder if they are like any of the idiots on TMZ. Does anyone watch that show? Hilarious. Harvey Levin and his dim-witted "reporters" sit in a large room talking about what celebrities they have found to put on their website. It's mostly stories about Britney, Paris, and stars sighted without makeup. The "reporters" all look like stoners working at a high school paper, with Levin acting as their academic advisor. There are a lot of cheesy jokes and laughter at things that aren't funny, with Levin rolling his eyes and trying to act like he's above it all. Really, Harvey? You used to be a lawyer! Now you are making money reporting on the lives of celebrities. At least share your secret with me! Selfish bastard.

Oh, right. So, no wedding for Brad and Angie. I mean, really. Do they need to make it official? They already have the kids and the houses and the...whatever else married people have. Framed photos? Bitterness to be taken out on the kids over the next few decades? Who needs a license for that?

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