Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Another Monday, another episode with 'tude

Well, it looks like Lauren gets $1.4 million per season of being filmed, and I get zero per season of recapping. Hey, you can't win them all, now can you?

Whitney seems to be going for more of a casual surfer girl look. Or Lauren's old bathing habits are rubbing off on her and she just isn't showering properly.

The lighting at Don Pablo's isn't doing Heidi any favors over dinner. Neither does that awful blue eye shadow. She used to be so cute and fresh faced. But that was seasons ago now.

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the bitchiest roommate of them all?? It's getting tougher and tougher to tell.

Happy birthday Stephanie. Now it's time to stop tanning.

Wow, Spencer busted out an international political analogy. It made me feel funny.

Honestly I think one of the best parts of tonight's half hour was the commercial for the new season of ABC Family's show "Greek." If you haven't caught it yet, you're doing yourself a disservice.

Hurry, change the channel before the After Show freaks come on the screen!

****Please note the dig in the first sentence about not being paid for recaps. Someone wants a smack.****

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