Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Hills

I've been seeing alot of actual celebrities speak out about The Hills as of late. Both Charlize Theron and America Ferrara have said they just don't get the show. I'll be sure to send them the link to this recap. I'm sure that will change their minds.

Not like I should make fun of anyone's workout habits, but what's up with Lauren's weak punches with her trainer at the gym? I know she's too busy gossiping to focus, but I'm pretty sure I could take her down without a problem.

Stephanie can't even come up with an excuse for hanging out with Doug. It's painful that she can't come up with anything to say to Lauren.

Heidi's mom, Darlene, seems just as shocked with Spencer's ridiculous behavior as I have been this entire season. Her face reads two things: 1. my daughter's boyfriend is an ass and 2. my daughter has had way too much plastic surgery.

Stephanie is a lying freakshow. She deleted Doug's number? Apparently not since they're out to dinner and having a DVD night. And who calls it that in the first place? Lame.

"If she cries, she cries." Brody clearly won't be holding back around Stephanie at Doug's BBQ.

It's Darlene vs. Spencer at the outdoor cafe. Watch out innocent passersby. This could start getting ugly.

Uh oh, here comes Audrina's boobs again.

I appreciate Whitney's poolside sass. She reminds me of myself in this instance.

That's a nice shrine Doug has built for himself in his house.

Lauren isn't putting up with Stephanie's tears anymore. She took her sheer cover up and stomped right outta there.

Is this the absolute end of the Stephanie Pratt era? We'll have to stay tuned to find out.

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