Sunday, February 24, 2008

The red carpet is a red hot mess!

Seacrest was out of his mind! Inane questions for two straight hours? I needed a drink. Or maybe I should have popped the anti-depressant early.

I think George Clooney is going to need a stint in rehab after putting up with Ryan's creepy crush. Yes, we know George's hair looks good. Calm down, queen! I think he wanted to run his fingers through it. George's girlfriend should watch out...I could see Ryan trying to shank her in the Ladies Room.

Jason Bateman just keeps getting better and better looking.

OH MY GOSH, Gary Busey just accosted Jennifer Garner while she was being interviewed by Ryan. HILARIOUS and AWKWARD. I don't think she knew who he was. Probably just thought someone brought their drunk uncle to the ceremony. Seacrest was shaking in his Minolos.

Patrick Dempsey looks amazing. His hair is poofed up just right. Thank goodness. You know I hate when his hair has little-to-no height. Oh, his wife is there. Whore!

Amy Adams looks gorgeous in green. Her bag is ridiculous but obviously a fashion accessory.

Keri Russell is here? Stop it! She looks great. Her husband...looks like pictures I've seen of him. Ben and Felicity 4 EVA!!!

Jonah Hill and Seth Rogen look like twins.

Red is definitely the color of the night. Someone forgot to tell Jennifer Hudson. She and her breasts are in white. At least she isn't wearing that knockoff Seacrest Silver jacket from last year.

Katherine Heigel is scaring the crap out of me with her red lipstick. She looks odd. Her creepy husband is on tour. Thank goodness.

Hannah Montana is here, y'all! And she's just being Miley. Yes, I know some of the words to her song. Sue me!

I think I need a sedative.

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