Sunday, February 10, 2008

The Grammy's suck

I mean, really.

Random people presenting, Beyonce's blonde weave, Carrie Underwood's extensions, Miley Cyrus, her extensions, her hooker makeup and heels....etc.

Jason Bateman, I love you and don't care that it was random for you to be a presenter. You are Michael Bluth and can do whatever the hell you want.

I really only watched to see if U2 would show up and if Amy Winehouse would show up sober. No U2, but Amy performed and stood up the entire time. She even yelled out her husband's name twice (and I think she screamed out his inmate number....true love!). She is one freaky little addict.

Speaking of freaky, what happened to Cuba Gooding, Jr????? Why was he introducing Amy in London? Has he become the male Tara Reid, knowing he will get more attention in other countries that aren't so picky about their celebrities? I'm sorry, but it's true. I mean, Tara can host parties in other countries. She'd never be able to get past the velvet rope in most states here. And I don't ever want to hear him yell out "You know what I'm sayin'?" again. Just stop, Cuba. I'm tempted to take back your Oscar once and for all.

Uh....yeah, this is just bad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.