Thursday, July 31, 2008

A McGosling sighting

Say what? When? Where? Why?

Don't know what McGosling is? Then clearly you have stumbled, drunk off your ass, out of a club with an Olsen twin.

Have you seen The Notebook? Don't judge! I haven't seen the whole thing, to be honest, but what I saw was good. Ryan Gosling in the rain, for example. His undying love for Rachel McAdams. Her perfectly styled hair. Their onscreen chemistry. All good examples.

Well, they started dating after the film and apparently continue to have quite a following even after their break up. This reminds me of Gartan fans, until we were informed that the Garner half of Gartan was dating Ben Affleck. Ouch! I still get a sharp pain in my side when I think about it. And dry heave. And sometimes cry. But I'm over it. Really.

Uh, so....oh, right. McGosling. Good celebrity name. They should have lasted.

Perhaps hope is not lost, though. Perhaps they will rise from the ashes and survive Ryan's co-starring in a film with Kirsten Dunst (bathe, woman!). Perhaps they will live to once again laugh at Rachel's pink hair phase.

Why so hopeful?

Because, my friends, the two were spotted leaving the Green Door lounge in Hollywood on Tuesday night. Ryan is now a deejay there on Tuesday nights during the club's jazz night. Oy, actors love to spin the beats, don't they? And since when does jazz night need a deejay? Anyway, Rachel came out to support her former boyfriend in a purple dress and matching heels. You know what that means, don't you? Purple is her favorite color. DUH!

Breathe in. Breathe out.

Fingers crossed for these two crazy kids.


Anonymous said...

Totally hilarious take on the story. I really hope they get back together!

Anonymous said...

Oh and I don't know about Gartan, but was still disappointed that Jen married Ben Affleck. YUCK!!

JP said...

HA! YUCK, indeed.

And I hope that McGosling 2.0 becomes a reality. The world needs good-looking celebrity couples to balance out the nasty-looking ones like, say....J.Lo and Marc Anthony. Gag.