Monday, March 24, 2008

Time to turn this out

I have no idea what that even means, but welcome to the relaunch of this site, formerly known as Bitter By Design. I wanted a better title and a more interesting layout. Hope you enjoy it...and if you don't, SUCK IT and get your own blog.

It's the first Monday of Spring, and the new season of The Hills premieres tonight, so why not change things up, right? I mean, if I'm watching The Hills, my life is already in the dumps. A little change won't hurt anyone.

In fact, in the immortal words of Sheryl Crow, "A Change Will Do You Good." I'm so glad she is no longer with sleaze ball Lance Armstrong. That is one change we can both get on board with.

So, expect the same things you loved about the old site: sarcasm, bitterness, paranoia, delusion, and recaps, but....well, there may be more recaps. I feel like I should start recapping something since I watch so much tv. Expect fan-favorite recaps of The Hills new season. That should hold you over until I decide what the hell I'm doing.

Oh, today I saw a picture of Jessica Alba smiling. I don't think her gross fiance was holding a gun to her back, forcing her to do it, either. Maybe it was just gas. Maybe someone just lied to her and told her they loved the sneak peek they saw of The Love Guru.

Boy, that movie looks like crap.


Unknown said...

Bring on the sarcasm!!! Bring back celebrity rehab! The best show on TV. I hate to say it but I am excited for Desperate Housewives to return. Jen, please write about your take on Clay Aiken being in Spamalot. He is totally straight. Yeah right.

Mary turned 4 men gay Kennedy

JP said...

Clay Aiken is as hetero as George Michael or any of the guys on Gossip Girl. And what's with that hair??? Scary. You turned 4 men gay? How did I miss this? Was Clay one of them?