Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Diva speaks!

Someone finally found the time to throw her fans a review. Yes, the Diva herself is back with a review of The Hills. And, from the tens of thousands of emails that have flooded my inbox over the past week, you are willing to give her another chance. I'm hesitant, but willing to give the people what they want.

Okay, so I missed recapping last week's episode. I watched it a few days after it originally aired, and by that time I figured everyone was over Justin Bobby dissing Audrina and Lauren calling a mini truce with Heidi's sis. So, tonight I'm making my return to the blog with an on-time recap. Enjoy!

Audrina's face says it all: What is crazy eyes Stephanie going to unleash upon me now?

How much could Heidi and Spencer stay in when I see their outfits-gone-wrong at every event in town in the mags?

I love Lo's sunglasses. Love.

Audrina is awfully chatty with Heidi. The little twig is probably just being drunk friendly. You know Lo is taking down notes of this convo and will provide Lauren with a typed transcript the minute she returns from Italy.

Nice to see that J.B. was able to take a break from chopping down trees in the wilderness to go to the X Games party. There's no other reason for that plaid shirt, right?

If Stephanie and Doug were trying to keep their non-date dinner under the radar, maybe they shouldn't have gone to Beso. Just a thought.

Lauren's back in L.A. Ah, now all is right with the world. Stephanie, watch your back.

What will the resulting fallout be from all of this? Looks like we'll find out next week.

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